Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Guidelines and Topology lines

After having prepared the images for the reference plates, the next thing to do was to draw on guides for the topology.

First I started by drawing guidelines onto the image to outline the main features of the face. These guides (blue) were used to help draw the topology guidelines.

Using the guidelines then drawn before I drew the lines for the topology (red). I made sure that there were no quads so that the mesh would deform correctly and there would be no problems with the subdivision. The topology for the nose and top of the eye caused some trouble but by using the video tutorial as a guide this wasn’t too much of a problem.

This part was quite hard and took a long time as I had to make sure that all of the polygons were quads, they flowed correctly and also took account for the shape of the face. Although this was difficult I persevered as planning now will pay off when modelling the head as the topology will be clearly thought out before hand

The reference plates are now finished and will be brought into 3DS Max as a guide for creating the model.

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